On June 23, 2015, PBS FrontLine aired a gripping documentary revealing the severe and pervasive sexual harassment, discrimination, hostile work environments and workplace violence (including rape and human trafficking, in some cases) faced by many low-wage, immigrant women working as night shift janitors in offices and retail stores throughout California and elsewhere in the United States.
Many abuses go unreported because the workers are alone when these attacks happen and there are no witnesses available to corroborate the victim’s story, and because the women are afraid of the immigration or employment consequences of coming forward.
This documentary gives voice to their suffering and their struggle. It demonstrates why enforcement of critically important federal and California worker protections, like Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the California Fair Employment and Housing Act, and California’s Unruh Act is not “political correctness” but is truly a civil rights issue.
I strongly encourage everyone to invest 54 minutes in watching PBS reporter Lowell Bergman’s documentary entitled Rape On The Night Shift to learn the compelling stories of these workers.
That’s why the Sacramento employment attorneys at Rose Law APC view ourselves as civil rights lawyers when fighting for the rights of working women facing severe and pervasive sexual harassment at work.
If you have been the victim at work of assault, intimidation, workplace violence, sexual harassment, discrimination, or a severe and pervasive hostile work environment because of your female gender, contact our legal team today for a free case evaluation.