Protections from wage theft
California has some of the most comprehensive laws in the nation for protecting workers from wage theft. California’s wage and overtime laws are complex. Hiring the wrong lawyer to represent you in a wage and hour dispute can be disastrous. Hiring the right attorney is easy — just visit or call 1-800-456-3767 today.
California’s additional paycheck and working hours requirements
California has a higher minimum wage than the federal minimum wage, and a longer statute of limitations for recovery of unpaid wages and overtime, going back up to 4 years. California law includes a variety of other protections.
Unpaid meal periods
Employees must be allowed unpaid meal periods of at least 30 minutes for workdays longer than 6 hours.
Paid rest breaks
Employees must be allowed paid rest breaks of at least 10 minutes for roughly every 4 hours of work, not including a reasonable number of short bathroom breaks.
One hour of wages as a penalty
Employees who are denied their meal periods or rest breaks must be paid one hour of wages per workday as additional compensation.
Immediate payment of wages upon termination
Employees must be paid their undisputed wages due on the same day they are involuntarily terminated from employment, or within 3 days after the employee voluntarily quits.
Itemized wage statements
Employees must be given itemized wage statements every pay period, showing their hours worked, the applicable wage rate, all deductions and withholdings, and other information.
No unauthorized payroll deductions
Employers may not make unauthorized payroll deductions.
Certified payroll for prevailing wage jobs
Employers must pay prevailing wage rates to workers on public works projects, and submit “certified payroll” to prove it.
Inspection and copying of personnel records
Upon request and within short time frames, employers must provide employees with copies of any personnel records the employee signs, and access to certain other records for inspection.
Frequency of wage payments
Employers must pay non-exempt employees at least two times per calendar month. Temporary employees in staffing agencies must be paid no less than weekly. Exempt employees and public employees may be paid no less frequently than once per month.